
A container does not need an OS

Apparently a container does not even need an OS whereas VMs do. Container != VM, but I never stopped to think about this before. Processes within the container can directly talk to the kernel on which the container is running. Most containers are built with a base OS image. Turns out you can create an image without a base OS by pulling the scratch image, that contains nothing. Let’s create a small c program that is statically compiled....

2 min

Analyzing Kubernetes container based scaling

Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling provides a way to scale up number of Pod replicas in a deployment based on per-pod metric thresholds set by the operator. Most often the per-pod resource metrics (like CPU and memory) are used to scale the pods. The utilization value is computed over all the containers in each Pod. Starting with v1.20, Kubernetes started offering HPA scaling based on container resource metrics as an alpha feature (as of the time of this writing)....

3 min


From my 5 year old silly self to your 5 year old selves. A ditty for the beginning of this year. 2023 Roam the world; land and sea. Mind unshackled, free, Find life’s key. 2023 Be silly, Get tipsy, Sport a goatee, Or wear a teepee. 2023 Be a busy bee, Go on a shopping spree, Grow a muscle or three. 2023 Spread happy, Joy and glee. 2023 Grow a giant tree!...

1 min

Expectation of distances of random points on a circular disc

I came across this probability problem and thought it was interesting. What is the expectation of distance (from the center) of a circular disc to uniformly distributed random points on the disc? If you pick a random point (or throw a dart) on a circle, there are more chances of the point landing somewhere between the center and the perimeter of the circular disc. Intuitively, this is because there are more points on the disc, i....

1 min